The upcoming issue of Black Gate (that’s number 15, I believe) contains a review of The Conqueror’s Shadow. While I don’t expect any of you to pick it up just for that, if you’re at all a fan of sword-and-sorcery fiction, you owe it to yourself to check BG out. It’s one of the finest sources of short fantasy fiction around today.
And speaking of The Conqueror’s Shadow, I want to remind everyone that the mass market paperback printing is available for pre-order right now, and should be hitting shelves at the end of December–making it a perfect book to order as a holiday gift for your friends and relatives. (Plug, plug, plug. 😉 ) Seriously, if you’ve wanted to take a look but didn’t want to pay for the hardcover–well, as they say, someday your prints will come. And that day has arrived.
(I know. Bad, Ari. Bad! No biscuit!)