If you haven’t checked out Shock Totem yet, you really should do so. They’re really a very good addition to the weird/horror fiction market.
The bad news is, their fifth issue is delayed until next July. The good news is that, when it comes out, it will include a story written by the very author whose words you are now reading. 😉
"In Deepest Silence" is one of my forays into semi-Lovecraftian territory, but I’ve done something that I like to think includes a new (or at least not uncommon) addition to that particular sub-genre. I’m indebted to the folks at Shock Totem, and delighted they enjoyed the story as much as they did.
I should also say that "In Deepest Silence is a minor milestone for me. It’s not my first published short story by any means–but it is my first published short story to go through a traditional submission/slush pile scenario. All my others to date have been either assigned to me (such as with RPG-related stories) or appeared in anthologies to which I was invited.
Yes, it seems like a stretch to call that a "milestone," but I think other writers will understand why that feels like a big deal. (Or not. Maybe I’m just that crazy.)
Also, while I can’t say what it is yet, you folks might be interested in knowing that I’m currently in the midst of working on another tie-in novel–and it’s not for any of the properties I’ve ever worked on before. Stay tuned for more annoyingly cryptic announcements soon.