About Ari
When Ari Marmell has free time left over between feeding cats and posting on social media, he writes a little bit. His work includes novels, short stories, role-playing games, and video games, all of which he enjoyed in lieu of school work when growing up. He’s the author of the Mick Oberon gangland-fantasy-detective series, the Widdershins YA fantasy series, The Goblin Corps, and many others, with publishers such as Del Rey, Pyr Books, Wizards of the Coast, Omnium Gatherum, Dragon Moon Press, Macabreink.com and Titan Books.
Ari currently resides in Austin, Texas. He lives in a clutter that has a moderate amount of apartment in it, along with George—his wife—and the aforementioned cats, who probably want something.
You can find Ari online, if you’re not careful.
Below you’ll find a few notes from my blog… I will admit… I spend more time on my books than the website but I do post pretty much daily over on Facebook:
Facebook: facebook.com/mouseferatu/
Yeah. It's been an obscenely long time since I've updated. First off, the site's been down for a little while. I apologize for that. Hopefully, the problem's well and truly fixed.
Dead to Rites, book three in the Mick Oberon series, was released a couple of months ago. In addition, ...
Hey, folks.
ArmadilloCon is this coming weekend, and as always I'm hoping to see a number of you there. I won't be attending Friday evening, but I'll be present almost all day Saturday, and part of Sunday. My formal panel schedule is:
3:00 PM, Saturday: Signing (Dealer's Room)
5:00 PM, ...
Hey, folks.
ArmadilloCon is in a little less than two weeks, and as usual, I'll be attending this year. I'll be posting my actual panel and other attendance schedule in the near future. But that's not what I wanted to talk about in this post. As you may well know, ...
Heya, folks. Been a while, but I've got some news.
Hot Lead, Cold Iron is now available in mass market paperback format! (For those not familiar with the different formats, that's the "standard" paperback size.) If you've been waiting, if you haven't wanted it in the larger trade paperback or ...
Well. You guys could easily have been forgiven for assuming that I'd abandoned this site; I'm afraid it's been
way too long since I updated. A combination of real-life issues and a lack of any substantial news combined to where I'd lost track of how long it'd been. I hope you all ...