Maybe a Milestone

So, I’m about to start reading a book.

This, as you may imagine, is not the potential milestone to which the subject header refers. I have, oddly enough, read a few books in my time.

No, it’s the fact that this is an advanced copy of a book, that I’ve been sent because I’ve been asked–for the very first time in my career–to provide one of those little blurbs/cover quotes that you see on the back covers, or first few pages, of various novels.  😮 😎

Obviously, I can’t say what the book is, or who it’s for–but I will say that being asked to do a blurb actually feels really damn good. The idea that enough people may like my work for my recommendation to be worth seeking out… Well, it’s a really nice feeling.

I don’t know if there are any official markers on the road to "making it" as an author, but if there are, this almost has to be one of them, doesn’t it? 😀

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