Well, my convention schedule has suddenly sprouted.
First off, I’ll be doing several panels at ArmadilloCon (August 27-29) right here in Austin at the Renaissance Hotel. At the moment, my schedule looks like this:
Friday, 5:00 PM–Anti-Heroic Fantasy: Flawed to Very Flawed Heroes, in the Sabine room.
Saturday, 11:00 AM–Gaming and Its Impact on Writing, also in the Sabine room.
Sunday, 11:00 AM–The Heroic Quest, Making it Interesting, also also in the Sabine room. (I should just camp out there.)
Sunday, 2:00 PM–signing, in the dealer’s room.
Now, I probably won’t be spending too much time at the con outside of my panels and signing, as I have work to do over that weekend as well. But if any of you are in the Austin area, or can make it down, I’d love to see you.
I will also be doing DragonCon, in Atlanta, over the weekend of September 3rd. I don’t yet have a fixed schedule, other than doing the "Stroll with the Stars" at 9:00 AM on Sunday. But as soon as I have anything scheduled, I’ll post it.