August 8, 2014: A special gift for my fellow D&D fans

(Update, Aug 10: Sorter now revised to include subclasses and filtering!  😀 Also, concentration error for mage armor has been fixed.)

(Original post) I didn’t expect to have this done for some time yet, but thanks to the generosity of a local friend who got his Player’s Handbook early, and the fact that I got a massive head start using the free Basic PDF, it’s ready to go. Thus, I present to you:

Ari’s 5e Spell Sorter!

What is it? It’s a spreadsheet listing every spell in the 5th edition Player’s Handbook! It makes sense that the spells are presented alphabetically in the book, but sometimes that makes it hard to search by other details. This spreadsheet allows you to sort by name, level, class, school of magic (you’re welcome, wizards and eldritch knights), by whether or not the spell has a ritual option, and by whether or not the spell requires concentration (you’re welcome, front-line casters).

So have at. Download, spread the word to other gamers, and enjoy.  😀 (And if you discover any errors or omissions, please let me know and I’ll fix them ASAP.)

Note the first: This is just a sortable list. It does not include spell descriptions, mechanics, or summaries. This is meant to enhance the spell chapter of the Handbook, not to replace it.  😛

Note the second: Two spells are marked with one or more question marks. The paladin’s spell list includes "destructive smite," but there’s no such spell given. There is a spell called "destructive wave," which I believe is what the paladin list meant to refer to. The other is "trap the soul," which appears on the wizard’s spell list but does not seem to be presented in the chapter. (I believe, but am not certain, that it simply got folded into "Imprisonment.")

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