(Because we all know they read my blog with baited breath on a regular basis.)
I’m not a big-name author. I’m not a scriptwriter. But I have written and published enough that I think I can say I have a pretty good grasp of story. So I’m going to point something out that you’ve probably already thought about.
No matter how good the writers, no matter how good the scripts, you cannot do justice to a five-year mission with movies that come out every three-to-five years.
The third Star Trek movie of the new continuity is coming up. We know that the cast signed a three-picture deal, and we know that at least some of them have already said they’re ready to move on.
So… You’ve had blockbuster movies, films that did better than any prior Star Trek films. And you’re going to have to recast anyway.
Cast actors willing to sign on for a series and bring Star Trek back to television.
You have an audience; the success of the movies proves that. You have a clean slate, to create brand new stories and revisit old ones, as you choose. You can write episodes to satisfy the action-lovers, and episodes to satisfy the more cerebral fans.
A five-year mission. A five-year series. Or heck, do a couple years, then a movie, a couple more years, then a movie… Have your cake and eat it, too.
The fans are ready, the franchise is ready. And it’s the only way to truly do Star Trek–five years of exploring the galaxy–any justice.
Let’s start hearing "These are the voyages…" on a weekly basis again.
Time for the Enterprise to come home. We’re waiting for her.