July 11, 2017: GenCon ahoy!

Thanks to a few last-minute miracle workers, I’ll be attending GenCon this year! 😀

My schedule is largely open; I have only a few official or semi-official events. (At least, so far; I’ll post if that changes.) Right now, my events look like this:

Thursday, 4 pm: "Investigating the Lost Citadel" panel, Crowne Plaza, Penn Stn C

Friday, 1:30 pm: Book signing, alongside Joe Carriker, Green Ronin Booth, Dealer’s Room

Saturday, 12:30 pm: Book signing, alongside Joe Carriker, Green Ronin Booth, Dealer’s Room

Otherwise I’ll be wandering around, attending panels, and just hanging out.

A note on signings: I have no idea if any of the vendors at GenCon will be carrying any of my books, especially the novels. If you have particular books you want signed, I strongly recommend that you buy them in advance and bring them with you.

Hope to see a bunch of you there! 🙂

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