
201 posts

April 13, 2010

Got yet another interview up. This one is quite possibly the most in-depth Q&A I’ve done thus far; if you’ve any interest at all in (among other things) my thoughts on writing and coming up with novels, my inspirations, writers I like, or my future works, you may well want to give it a read.

Don’t forget to check out the rules of my current contest while you’re at it.

April 2, 2010

I’ve been asked by several people what my release schedule looks like, novel-wise, so here we go:

The Warlord’s Legacy–January-ish, 2011.

The Goblin Corps–3rd or early 4th quarter, 2011.

Household Gods–not sure, but probably in 2012.

And the paperback printing of The Conqueror’s Shadow should be 1st quarter 2011, but if you really loved me, you’d buy the hardcover now. πŸ˜‰

Also, not sure how many of you have noticed the "Blogs/Columns" menu down there at the bottom left, but I’m on Twitter, Facebook, and Live Journal. I’d love for more of you to join me.

THE WARLORD’S LAMENT: January-ish, 2011
THE GOBLIN CORPS: 3rd or early 4th quarter, 2011
HOUSEHOLD GODS: ??? (But probably 2012)

March 31, 2010

Had a blast at Comicpalooza (even if I did fail to meet Bruce Campbell). Thanks so much to everyone who came out.

The big news today is that I just sold another novel. πŸ˜€ Pyr Books, the excellent folks who are going to be publishing The Goblin Corps, will also now be publishing Household Gods. As always, my most heartfelt thanks to both Lou Anders at Pyr, and to my agent Colleen Lindsay, for making this possible–and to every one of you folks, who make it worthwhile.

March 24, 2010

All righty. First off, my latest DDI article is available. Codex of Betrayal: Geryon reintroduces a classic arch-devil from prior editions into 4E. I think DMs will love this; players, I’m less certain about.

Second, I just did a guest blog on my agent Colleen Lindsay’s site about tie-in fiction’s strengths and advantages over other writing. (Yes, there are several.) πŸ˜‰ I’d love for you folks to check it out and let me know what you think.

Finally, I apologize for the lateness of this update, but I’ve got my tentative schedule for Comicpalooza.

Freelance Writing for Roleplaying Games: Friday, 4:00 PM, rm. 330.

Tomorrow’s Science Fiction: Saturday, 11:00 AM, theater A B.

The Novelist: Saturday, 3:00 PM, theater A B.

The Secret Life of Writers: Sunday, 2:00 PM, rm. 330.

The first panel is just me, so if I freeze up and keel over, I ask your forgiveness in advance.

Please bear in mind that this schedule is subject to change.

My schedule at the signing table is more of a "play it by ear" sort of thing, but my plan is to be at the table for at least half an hour to an hour after my Friday panel, and both Saturday panels. I’ll be there at other times as well–including, most likely, immediately before most of my panels–but if you want to be sure of catching me, right after those three are the best times. And the plan is for us to have copies of The Conqueror’s Shadow for sale, so if you haven’t picked one up yet, that’ll be a great time. I will, of course, be happy to sign your copy–whether you’ve purchased it there or brought your own–as well as anything else I’ve worked on.

See some of you in a few days, I hope.

April 22, 2010

So, what’s new in the news? Or news in the new? Or something?

First, I have some new D&D material out. The Plane Above: Secrets of the Astral Sea came out earlier this month. I wrote a lot less of this one than I did Plane Below, but I’m quite happy with my contribution, and with the book as a whole. I’ve also got two articles in this month’s Dragon: Class Acts: Druid and Underhanded and Overconfident.

Flames Rising has posted an excerpt of The Conqueror’s Shadow, if you’re interested in taking a gander at part of the book.

You might notice there’s a new tab up above. I’ll be making this site the new central repository for most of my blogging. However, it’ll still be cross-posting to LiveJournal and Facebook (and I’ll still be making a few posts there that I don’t feel are appropriate to this site). So don’t worry; if you follow me on those sites, I’ll still be there.

And finally, don’t forget that my Best of the Worst contest is still going on. Take a look, and think about entering. πŸ™‚