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The Players Guide to the High Clans


The Players Guide to the High Clans was published by White Wolf for Dark Ages: Vampire.

Credits: Chapter One: Once and Future Kings (Brujah, Cappadocian, Tzimisce, Domains of the High Clans).

Spoils of War


Spoils of War was published by White Wolf for Dark Ages: Vampire.

Credits: half (mixed) of Chapter Two: Poisoned Quills; “The Fall of the House of Ulf” in Chapter Four: Ashes and Blood

Serpent in the Fold

"SerpentSerpent in the Fold was published by Sword & Sorcery Studios for Dungeons & Dragons 3E.

Credits: Chapter One: Eve of the Taurosphinx; Chapter Two: The Ruins of Sky Keep

Notes: In addition to being my first Sword & Sorcery Studios project, this book introduces Ilkuthsra, the Autumn King, perhaps one of the best villains I’ve ever personally created. (In my humble and totally unbiased opinion, naturally.) One of my primary goals is to have the opportunity to tell his true story in future works.

Although this book is technically Part One of the Serpent Amphora Cycle, a previous adventure can be downloaded for free at the SSS web site. (I didn’t write any of it, but I figured I’d make it available to you.) You can download it here: The Serpent Amphora.