October 19, 2011: Dribs and Drabs

Hey, all. Bunch of little stuff today.

First and foremost, congratulations to my contest winners: Alec Austin, Fobok, Richard Auffrey, and Shane Noble. (And again, thanks so much to everyone who entered.) Guys, I’m afraid I haven’t been able to get your books in the mail yet–schedules appear to be things that happen to other people, not me 😳 –but I should have by the end of the week. You’ll be glad to know that, unless I’m misremembering, everyone got their first choice. πŸ˜€ (Obviously, if you asked for a book that’s not out yet, it won’t be in the mail by the end of the week.)

October 20th addendum: All the books, except those that haven’t been released yet, went in the mail today. If you haven’t received your books within two weeks (or four, for international), shoot me an e-mail.

Second, the web site SF Signal has a regular feature called "Mind Meld," in which they ask a bunch of authors a question about genre. This installment’s question is "What are the most interesting societies, alien or otherwise, in SF/F?" You can see my take, as well as quite a few other authors’, by clicking here. Thanks for the invite, guys.

Finally, Broken Time Blues–the anthology of speculative fiction set in the 1920s, and including my short story "The Purloined Ledger"is now available on Kindle. And it’s really inexpensive, too. You’re missing out if you don’t get it. Seriously, I’m getting a hard copy because I’m one of the contributing authors, and I still bought it on Kindle, too. πŸ™‚

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