January 8, 2011: Get Out the Vote!

Happy new year, everyone. Hope 2011 is treating you well, young as it is.

As I mentioned on my blog the other day, The Conqueror’s Shadow (British edition from Gollancz) is up for the Gemmell Legend Award. Well, voting is now open, and I could use any votes you’re willing to offer. (Not that you must vote for me, of course; if there’s another book up there you think is more deserving, vote for it. Just don’t tell me about it. 😉 )

As this is my first non-tie-in novel, and there’s a huge amount of really talented competition, I don’t honestly expect to win. But I’d love it if I could at least make a strong showing. Thanks for your support.

Click here to go vote.

And while you’re here, don’t forget about my "Say What" contest, in which you can win a free, signed book.

More news–that just might include a new novel announcement 😎 –in the near future.

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