Hey, guys. Hope those of you who celebrate it had a great holiday weekend. (Those of you who don’t celebrate are welcome to have had a great weekend, too. 😉 )
So, a number of things. First off, I don’t have a schedule yet, but I will be attending both ArmadilloCon and Dragon*Con this year. More when I know it, but I hope to see some of you there.
Second, the latest "Take Five" entry over at Suvudu–a series in which writers discuss five (hopefully) interesting facts or details about their work–is about The Goblin Corps. If you’re interested in learning more about the book, you can do so by clicking here.
And speaking of The Goblin Corps, there’s a new Goblin Corpse Facebook page, hosted by Cræosh. There’s not a lot there yet, but by all means, if you’re an FB user, join up. I’ll be posting more stuff there as time goes on.
Also, check out this awesome Goblin Corps recruitment poster, courtesy of the esteemed Claudio Pozas. If there’s enough interest, I may well make this available for purchase as a poster and/or tee-shirt. Any takers?
Finally, I’d like to try something new on my blog. It’s called "Ask the Author," and if there’s enough interest, I may make it a recurring feature. Take a look here, and if you like the idea, ask away. 🙂
And I think that’s it for genuine news. In more vague terms, I should have some pretty interesting info in the near future, involving some future projects (original and tie-in), but I can’t go into ’em yet. Soon, my precious…