I wanted to offer my congrats to all the 2011 Hugo Award Winners–but most specifically to Lou Anders of Pyr Books, easily one of the top three editors I’ve worked with to date. 😀
Great job, Lou.
(So do we all get raises, now?) 😉
I wanted to offer my congrats to all the 2011 Hugo Award Winners–but most specifically to Lou Anders of Pyr Books, easily one of the top three editors I’ve worked with to date. 😀
Great job, Lou.
(So do we all get raises, now?) 😉
Zeitgeist Games
I have no idea how or why I got listed on your "recommended authors" list, but I have a request. Take me […]
It’s been a few months since I’ve written any of my weekend articles for Suvudu. And I’d like to start contributing more […]
Buccaneers of Freeport was published by Green Ronin Publishing. Credits: I wrote the chapters on Xian-Lei and Scevola Hest. As a system-free […]