There’s this: Upcoming Marvel Universe MMO, free to play.
Why am I mentioning this? Well, in addition to just being cool, it also represents my first foray into computer game dialogue writing. 😀
Yep. Thanks to Andy Collins at Gazillion Studios, I was one of the team selected to provide some of the dialogue for many of the characters.
I can’t go into too much detail, since I can only talk about characters that have been publicly revealed as appearing in the game. But I can say that I did a portion of the dialogue for the Black Widow, and the majority of the non-mission-specific dialogue for…
Well, any of you who know me know there’s one major Marvel character with whom I share a certain affinity for being a wise-ass, and Andy was kind enough to let me tackle him. Yep, just your friendly neighborhood Someone-or-Other. 😀