March 26, 2013: Come Say Hi!

Hey, folks. Sorry about the long-time radio silence here. Been a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes–and personally–that haven’t made for good communication. Hopefully that’s past and things will start picking up.

In the interim… Thursday the 28th, 7:30 PM, at the new Dragon’s Lair locationĀ here in Austin: Indie Creator Night! A whole metric crapload (that’s 2.2 English craploads) of authors and creators will be there. The list includes me, but you should come anyway.

I believe they’ll have many of my books there (fiction and gaming), but I can’t vouch for which ones. If you want anything signed that you already own, please feel free to bring it. Or just swing by and say hello. šŸ™‚

Hope to see you there.

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